TEST We were honoured and delighted to be presented with a number of appreciative letters and certificates from overseas suppliers recently.
KELFORD CAMS – 50 Years!
They sent a beautiful plaque, which is proudly displayed in our Board Room. The plaque is crafted from recycled timbers from the Canterbury Quake and proudly commemorates their 50 years of trading.
Big respect to Kelford, who are proud Kiwis and not only do they have big experience, but they have become Masters of their craft.
A true piece of New Zealand Spirit
Kelford Cams
Of course, we don’t only sell Kelford here at Co-ordSport – other leading brands include CUSCO of Japan – Co-ordSport are confirmed as their European Distributor. Carrosser the owners of Cusco are great trading partners to work with.
CUSCO / Safety21 – Chassis & Safety components for Japanese Sports Cars
Whilst HKS Japan showed their appreciation of Co-ordSport’s work with HKS Europe, as their leading Distributor for sales in Europe.
The Co-ordSport Group are the biggest stocking wholesaler of HKS products in Europe.
HKS Power
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